Our family suffers from LDGS- that is, "Long-Distance Grandparent Syndrome" :-) Both sets of grandparents live hundreds of miles away, and visits are only possible every once in a while. Our kids are also the only grandchildren on either side; so of course, our parents do all they can to stay connected in between visits.
Skype and phone conversations help for sure. My mother has also started a tradition of mailing pictures taken during her visits to the girls; so the girls have the fun of getting mail addressed to them in the mailbox, and they get to remember all the memories of their time together.
Recently, my mother added a new twist to the pictures. She taped an index card to the bottom of each one and wrote on it a little quiz question about the picture. The answers were on the back and were self-checking according to the method described here.
M loved this activity- sat down and did the whole pile of them as soon as she opened the envelope. G lost interest fairly quickly, partly, I think because she can't read yet, and so can't do it on her own. But I think she was probably happy that my mother had made her a set of her own (she's a typical second-born in that being included in things is super important to her)
What a fun game! And a great way to interact with ldgs - we live hundreds of miles from our grandparents, too.