
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blowing Bubbles with a Hose

Originally, I planned this activity as something for the girls to do while I cooked dinner tonight, but it was so much fun I didn't want to miss any of it (and so dinner was a tad late!)

I have seen people do this with a straw instead of a hose, but I was afraid that the temptation to suck the soapy water instead of blowing might be too great for my toddler. The hose is also fun because it allows you to blow a larger stack of bubbles without getting it in your face. It might be fun to do it with a really long hose, and blow the bubbles from across the yard! 

M decided to stick her foot in the bowl at one point while she blew on the hose. Apparently the bubbles tickled her feet!

It's Playtime!

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