A friend recently gave me
this recipe for Resurrection Rolls, and I'll be making them for Easter breakfast this year. Each roll is baked with a marshmallow in the center so that, when it's broken open, one discovers that it's hollow inside-- just like the empty tomb. (The first comment below the recipe gives a couple of neat ideas for making the process of making the rolls meaningful, too)
wow! Awesome! I will be making these, I am always looking for ways to incorporate the bible/religion into my sons life.
thanks for the recipe--my children do not like nuts, so we never tried the resurrection cookies that someone shared with us...but they LOVE "smarmellos" (as they are called at our house).
we are making them today so the big kids can take them when they go to the mountain to watch the sun rise and read the resurrection story with their daddy in the a.m.
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