Would you ever have guessed that these fun monsters were made using cauliflower stems? Check out
Scrumdilly-do's website to find out how!

Might not your kids actually enjoy practicing their math if they got to do it on a giant TWISTER board? Learn how Alexa made this giant math mat and the different games her family played with it at
Mind Games.

I think that these treasure rocks look like so much fun! Inside of each one is a special little treasure, and kids have to chip away at the rock in order to find it! Find out how to make them at
Moremomtime! You can see how the activity turned out
here! (Moremomtime suggests that these would work great at a dinosaur birthday party; check out more ideas for a dinosour party

Learn how to make a colorful bowl out of scraps of paper and a blender at
Funny Days with Mommy and Maddie!
Walking around in mommy and daddy's big shoes is always such a thrill for little ones. I'm sure duck and frog feet would be even more fun! Take a look at the homemade feet that
Lucky Me! made for her kids!

I love this St. Patrick's Day sensory tub idea that
Teaching Tiny Tots came up with! Looking for gold coins or shamrocks would keep me (never mind my kids!) happily occupied for a long time!

This color dice game from
Katie's Nesting Spot looks like a great way to reinforce the learning of colors with a toddler. I may have to try it soon!

I know Christmas time is long past, but I just love this easy but adorable snow globe soap making activity so much that I can't resist linking to it.
Alpha Mom shows you exactly how to do it, and it doesn't seem to take long at all! There must be an off-season application for this idea too. I'll just have to think on it for a bit!
Because Babies Grow Up has a great idea for homemade fruity necklaces. Be sure to check it out!