Michigan winters= Lots of gloves, scarves, hats, and mittens around the house
Lots of gloves, scarves, hats and mittens + 3 not-so-careful kids= lots of orphaned gloves and mittens
1 orphaned glove + needle and thread + 2 pipe cleaners + 1 button + dryer lint = A cute little squirrel!

I wish I had taken a picture of the glove in its sorry orphaned state to give you a better appreciation for the transformation, but those of you from the North have likely seen your share of pathetic, orphaned gloves.
Perhaps you have a pile of said gloves at this very moment and would like to make your own little critters. The directions for the squirrel are
here. (They call it a chipmunk, but I have never seen a chipmunk with a tail like THAT).
Apparently, however, there is a
book filled with loads of other creatures you can make with old gloves. I have not seen the book personally, but if any of you have used it and can give me a recommendation about whether or not to buy it, I would be very appreciative!