Friday, October 17, 2008

Giveaway: Two Children's Books about Bunnies

This giveaway has ended. Thanks for all who participated! To see who won this week, check here.

For this week's giveaway I have two, sweet children's books about bunnies.

The first one, I Love You, My Bunnies is a nice hardback book by Disney. I'm not usually a big fan of Disney books, but this one is really nice. The pictures are simple and show lots of tender moments between mommas and babies (and it has very little to do with any movie- which is nice).

The second book, The Bunnies Ball is colorful, fun and frolicking. Any fan of bunnies will like this book!

To be entered in the giveaway just leave a comment below along with your email address so that I have a way to contact you if you win.

If you would like to have a second entry, write about this giveaway on your site and put a link to the post on a second comment.

I will go to to get a random number for determining the winner and will post that person's name on Friday (10/24). I hope it goes to a family with a true bunny lover in it! (or at least someone who loves books! :-) )


Chesh said...

Both my daughter and son love bunnies and are big fans of Disney. I have not heard of the second, but it sure sounds cute!!

Please enter me and thnks!!!

angelleslament @

Mom said...

Oh, how I love bunny books as well. We have a few here that my son just loves. Thanks for the chance to win!
annehoffer @ hotmail (dot) com

Kat said...

We have no books about bunnies and my little guy loves to point out the real bunnies he sees in our back yard. We'd definitely love these books!

Carrie said...

My kids love bunnies,they hop around all the time. I am trying to get them to wiggle their noses and it is so funny to watch them try.

Abby said...

Would love these for my sweet girls!

ajcmeyer AT go DOt com

rebecca said...

My littlr niece loves bunnies and I would love to be able to give these to her! Thanks!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

Lucy fan said...

I have so enjoyed the many tips. Too cute. You really can have lots of wholesome wonderful fun without the TV set on. Aunt Laurie

Amanda said...

Yea!! More books. :)

Natalia said...

Love books and my kid too!
Count me in, thanks

Jill said...

Sounds like great books to read!!

pam said...

We never have too many books in our house!

Lori said...

The Disney book would be perfect for my daughter who would look really cute sitting in her thumper costume reading his book! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

These would make cute Easter gifts when the time comes!

janetfaye said...

My grandson love bunnies and books.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Bunny B said...

You can see I'm a true bunny lover!! :) My niece would love these books! :)

bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...

I've linked!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie said...

These look adorable.

My email is jlsemon at gmail dot com

Miss Spoken said...

Love the cover art.

Hyla said...

My children LOVE books!


Theresa N. said...

Swet books, we love reading at our house.
Theresa N

andrea v said...

We love to read in our house. these would be a great addition.
vickers at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

What a great gift!


Role Model Mommies said...

My daughter would love this, hope I win.

dawnie said...

Fun books!

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

My daughter loves bunnies! During the spring we have some that hang out in our yard!


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I blogged about your giveaway: Here


AJH said...

My daughter who just turned two just goes crazy any time she sees ANYTHING with bunnies...these books would be a hit with her! My one year old son loves books...Thank you!

lerinleigh said...

I was just thinking that we need some new books!

Jenna said...

Great giveaway! Please enter me.

jchooker @

MamaHen said...

My toddler would love the books. Thank you for doing this nice giveaway.

Melissa said...

My kids would love these books! Thank you

Chrissy said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

chrissyblogs at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

What a great set of books!

Richelle said...

Cute books! My son would love them.

Alana Jo said...


adavenport said...

both look C-U-T-E.


pinecone304 said...

Both books sound cute!! Please enter me in your drawing. I am enjoying your Tuesday carnival. I am always looking for new ideas to use things I already have.

phoward336 said...

These books look fun - I like to "put away" some books sometimes and then bring them back out at the appropriate season - these would be perfect spring or Easter time books.

Kristan said...

we were given a book with the same disney girls love it and would love these too.

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

I would love to win these for my little one.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

nanja said...

Children love to be read to and hopefully as they grow they themselves will love to read

Unknown said...

both books sound cute, and who can resist bunnies, there adourable!

Wehaf said...

Yay for bunnies!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Melanie said...

Look like some good books.

mathbook28 at gmail dot com

shaunjoy said...

My daughter's nickname is Bunny so I'm sure she'd like these books 'about her.' :)


Briana Almengor said...

We love reading to our kids.
Thanks for the contest.

Unknown said...

luv luv disney 2.5 year old will love it

mrs.mommyy said...

we love bunnies and big fans of disney

Tara said...

I need to build up my son's book collection, so this would help!

mommykoala at live dot com

Kobie said...

We love books and we love to read! These books would be a great addition. What a fun giveaway.

The Miller Family said...

My son loves "wabbits" right now...I'm sure he'd have a ball with these! Thanks for the giveaway!

Tara said...

Great books!!!

taraintheatl @ yahoo dot com

I Do Faces said...

Found your giveaway from Tip Junkie!! I sure need books for my little one! My Mom is a librarian and she actually never buys me books! But she got me into reading for sure!

Lillian J. Banks said...

Very cute! My toddler and baby to be will love them and my 7 year old will love reading it to them :)
rkrk04 at gmail dot com

Kellie said...

Just found your site through tip junkie...think you have a new follower :) Thanks for a giveaway.

peachykellie AT hotmail DOT com

Alicia said...

I'm sure I'm too late to enter, but just thouht I would try!

Huguette En said...

My children would love these!

Shannon C said...

Bunnies and books, what a wonderful combination!

noreen said...

those are such sweet books, my girls would just adore these books
nor_lou at hotmail dor com

momma-o-minnie said...

Cute books

momma-o-minnie said...

Cute books

Huguette E. said...

My children would love these!

DV- Rebecca L. said...

Very cute! My toddler and baby to be will love them and my 7 year old will love reading it to them :)
rkrk04 at gmail dot com

Shannon C said...

Bunnies and books, what a wonderful combination!

Tara aka "Mama Koala" said...

I need to build up my son's book collection, so this would help!

mommykoala at live dot com

k.j.h said...

We love books and we love to read! These books would be a great addition. What a fun giveaway.

Briana Almengor said...

We love reading to our kids.
Thanks for the contest.

The Lady Riposter said...

These look adorable.

My email is jlsemon at gmail dot com

Bunny B said...

You can see I'm a true bunny lover!! :) My niece would love these books! :)

bunnybx at gmail . com

Carolsue said...

These would make cute Easter gifts when the time comes!

Jill said...

Sounds like great books to read!!

Amanda said...

Yea!! More books. :)

Abby said...

Would love these for my sweet girls!

ajcmeyer AT go DOt com

Ruby (Mouth) said...

Both my daughter and son love bunnies and are big fans of Disney. I have not heard of the second, but it sure sounds cute!!

Please enter me and thnks!!!

angelleslament @