The next time you make rice crispie treats- instead of putting them right into the pan to cool- consider giving your kids a little extra fun with their snack. Give each child a piece of wax paper and a little pad of butter. They will need the butter to oil their hands so that the rice crispies won't stick. Then divide the still warm rice crispies among the kids and let them use it like modeling clay. I guarantee that a tyrannasaurus rex rice crispie tastes twice as good as a plain old square!
(Find more great Wednesday tips from moms here)
(Find more great Wednesday tips from moms here)
This is a GREAT idea! I love it. My five kids (even my oldest, age 14) would think this is fun. :)
Duckabush Blog
Reminds me of Christmas. My mom always dyed the mixture green and we shaped it into wreaths or sprigs of holly and added cinnamon red hots for the berries. Good Times! Blessings, Whitney
What a cute idea!! I love to do stuff like this with my kids.
Yummy and fun!!
Just like Whitney said, it reminds me of Christmas! Buttering little hands to make green wreathes! Fun tip - thanks!
What a cute and fun idea! :D Kids love doing things like that! :D
What a cute and fun idea! :D Kids love doing things like that! :D
Yummy and fun!!
This is a GREAT idea! I love it. My five kids (even my oldest, age 14) would think this is fun. :)
Duckabush Blog
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